A new design – a new experiment
It was time to see where we are: In cooperation with the Mundenhof Freiburg, we started a new field experiment. With a more sophisticated thermal adaption to our animal, extended electrical features and a more intelligent algorithm, we were hoping to see a device that promises to be closer to a useful device. But we were even more excited by the experimental data gathered during this test.
With included GPS, activity monitor and four temperature sensors, this tracker is already capable to fullfill the typical requirements of a normal tracker. Not only are the most imporant parameter sent out via LoRa/LoRaWAN, but are also stored internally to be read out after the experiment.
After quite some delays because of corona, we were able to attach our trackers to three cashmere goats and let them live their enviable live at our local zoo. After roughly three weeks we got our devices back, quite a bit damaged at the outside. Currently we are exploring all datasets and after our next written paper will be able to update this blog with more details, pcitures and graphs about the experiment.