Fieldtest of the tracker in summer 2017
From monday, 24th of august, the first energy-autonomous tracker (without batteries), was tested in Freiburg.
Our system was attached to a sheep as a collar, collecting for several days the temperature gradient at the TEGs, activity and energy-state of the system.
All data was directly sent through a gateway on the farm to the webserver, displaying the data live here. The displayed the incoming data was not filtert, nor postprocessed. Transmission errors also occour, leading to false temperatures.
This sheep, grown by hand and used to be with humans and waring a collar was waring the tracker for a few days. This sheep, grown by hand and used to be with humans and waring a collar was waring the tracker for a few days. The Base station was placed near the shelter of the animals. The base station consists out of an embedded computer, connected to an HackRF to receive and forward the data comming from the tracker. A part of the measured temperature differences.